Nataliya Budaeva
Associate Professor
Department of Natural History
University Museum of Bergen, Norway

2022 Hektoen M.M., Willassen E., Budaeva N. Phylogeny and cryptic diversity of Diopatra (Onuphidae, Annelida) in the East Atlantic. Biology 11 (2): 327. DOI
2022 Borisova P., Budaeva N. First molecular phylogeny of Lumbrineridae (Annelida). Diversity 14 (2): 83. DOI
2021 Zanol J., Carrera-Parra L.F., Steiner T.M., Amaral A.C.Z., Wiklund H., Ravara A., Budaeva, N. The Current State of Eunicida (Annelida) Systematics and Biodiversity. Diversity, 13: 74. DOI
2021 Kremenetskaia A.; Gebruk A.; Alt C.H.S.; Budaeva N. New and poorly known species of Peniagone (Holothuroidea, Elpidiidae) from the Northwest Pacific Ocean with discussion on phylogeny of the genus. Diversity, 13: 541. DOI
2021 Gunton L.M., Kupriyanova E.K., Alvestad T., Avery L., Blake J.A., Biriukova O., Böggemann M., Borisova P., Budaeva N., et al. Annelids of the eastern Australian abyss collected by the 2017 RV 'Investigator' voyage. Zookeys, 1020: 1-198. DOI
2020 Tzetlin A., Budaeva N., Vortsepneva E. & Helm C. New insights into the morphology and evolution of the ventral pharynx and jaws in Histriobdellidae (Eunicida, Annelida). Zoological Letters 6, 14. DOI
2020 Borisova P., Budaeva N. Helmutneris vadum, a new species of Lumbrineridae (Annelida) from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Zootaxa 4877(3): 413–421. DOI
2020 Elgetany A.H., van Rensburg H., Hektoen M., Matthee C., Budaeva N., Simon C.A., Struck T.H. Species delineation in the speciation grey zone—The case of Diopatra (Annelida, Onuphidae). Zoologica Scripta, 49: 516-534. DOI
2020 O’Hara T.D., Williams A., Ahyong S.T., Alderslade P., Alvestad T., Bray D., Burghardt I., Budaeva N., Criscione F., Crowther A.L. The lower bathyal and abyssal seafloor fauna of eastern Australia. Marine Biodiversity Records, 13: 1-27. DOI
2019 Kongsrud J.A., Bakken T., Oug E., Alvestad T., Nygren A., Kongshavn K., Budaeva N., Capa M., Willassen E. Assessing species diversity in marine bristle worms (Annelida, Polychaeta): integrating barcoding with traditional morphology-based taxonomy. Genome, 60: 956-957.
2019 Vedenin A., Mokievsky V., Soltwedel T., Budaeva N. The temporal variability of the macrofauna at the deep-sea observatory HAUSGARTEN (Fram Strait, Arctic Ocean). Polar Biology, 42: 527- 540. DOI
2018 Borisova P.B., Schepetov D.M., Budaeva N.E. Aponuphis Kucheruk, 1978 (Annelida: Onuphidae) from western African waters. Invertebrate Zoology 15: 19–41. PDF
2017 Vortsepneva E., Tzetlin A., Budaeva N. Morphogenesis and fine structure of the developing jaws of Mooreonuphis stigmatis (Onuphidae, Annelida). Zoologischer Anzeiger 267: 49–62. DOI
2016 Arias A., Paxton H., Budaeva N. Redescription and biology of Diopatra neapolitana (Annelida: Onuphidae), a protandric hermaphrodite with external spermaducal papillae. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 175: 1–17. DOI
2016 Vedenin A., Budaeva N., Mokievsky V., Pantke C., Soltwedel T., Gebruk A. Spatial distribution patterns in macrobenthos along a latitudinal transect at the deep-sea observatory HAUSGARTEN. Deep-Sea Research Part I 114: 90–98. DOI
2016 Soltwedel T., Bauerfeind E., Bergmann M., Bracher A., Budaeva N., et al. Natural variability or anthropogenically-induced variation? Insights from 15 years of multidisciplinary observations at the arctic marine LTER site HAUSGARTEN, Ecological Indicators 65: 89–102. DOI
2016 Budaeva N., Schepetov D., Zanol J., Neretina T., Willassen E. When molecules support morphology: Phylogenetic reconstruction of the family Onuphidae (Eunicida, Annelida) based on 16S rDNA and 18S rDNA. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 94(B): 791–801. DOI
2015 Alvestad T., Budaeva N. Neosabellides lizae, a new species of Ampharetidae (Annelida) from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Zootaxa, 4019: 61–69. DOI
2015 Paxton H., Budaeva N. Minibrachium, a new subgenus of Rhamphobrachium (Annelida: Onuphidae) from Australia with the description of three new species. Zootaxa, 4019: 621–634. DOI
2015 Budaeva N. Nothria nikitai, a new species of bristle worms (Annelida, Onuphidae) from the Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean. Marine Biodiversity, 45: 169–174. DOI
2014 Budaeva N., Pyataeva S., Meißner K. Development of the deep-sea viviparous quill worm Leptoecia vivipara (Hyalinoeciinae, Onuphidae, Annelida). Invertebrate Biology, 133: 242–260. DOI
2013 Budaeva N., Paxton. H. Nothria and Anchinothria (Annelida: Onuphidae) from Eastern Australian waters with a discussion of ontogenetic variation of diagnostic characters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 93: 1481–1502. DOI
2013 Paxton H., Budaeva N. Paradiopatra (Annelida: Onuphidae) from eastern Australian waters, with the description of six new species. Zootaxa, 3686: 140–164. DOI
2013 Kongsrud J.A., Budaeva N.E., Barnich R., Oug E., Bakken T. Benthic polychaetes from the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge between the Azores and the Reykjanes Ridge. Marine Biology Research, 9: 516–546. DOI
2012 Budaeva N. Leptoecia midatlantica, a new species of the deep-sea quill-worms (Polychaeta: Onuphidae: Hyalinoeciinae) from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Zootaxa, 3176: 45–60. DOI
2011 Budaeva N., Fauchald K. Phylogeny of the Diopatra generic complex with a revision of Paradiopatra Ehlres, 1887 (Polychaeta: Onuphidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 163: 319–436. DOI
2010 Budaeva N., Fauchald, K. Larval development of Mooreonuphis stigmatis (Treadwell 1922) (Polychaeta: Onuphidae) from the north-east Pacific. Marine Biology Research, 6: 6–24. DOI
2010 Gebruk A.V., Budaeva N.E., King N.J. Bathyal benthic fauna of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between the Azores and the Reykjanes Ridge. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 90: 1–14. DOI
2009 Paterson G.L.J., Glover A.G., Frojan C.B., Whitaker A., Budaeva N., Chimonides J., Doner S. A census of abyssal polychaetes. Deep-Sea Research II, 56: 1739–1746. DOI
2008 Budaeva N., Fauchald K. Diopatra tuberculantennata, a new species of Onuphidae (Polychaeta) from Belize with a key to onuphids from the Caribbean Sea. Zootaxa, 1795: 29–45. DOI
2008 Budaeva N.E., Mokievsky V.O., Soltwedel T., Gebruk A.V. Horizontal distribution patterns in Arctic deep-sea macrobenthic communities. Deep-Sea Research I, 55: 1167–1178. DOI
2007 Molodtsova T.N., Budaeva N.E. Modifications of corallum morphology in black corals as an effect of associated fauna. Bulletin of Marine Science, 81: 469–480.
2005 Budaeva N. Lumbrineridae Malmgren, 1867 (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Sea of Okhotsk. Invertebrate Zoology, 2: 181–202. (in Russian) DOI
2005 Soltwedel T., Bauerfeind E., Bergmann M., Budaeva N., et al. HAUSGARTEN: Multidisciplinary investigations at a deep-sea, long-term observatory in the Arctic Ocean. Oceanography, 18: 47– 61. DOI